40kccg strategy

Alternate Game Formats

This week we look to the past to find new ways of playing the 40K CCG!

40kccg strategy

Deck Tech: Dakka Goffs

This week I talk about my Ghazghkull’s Waaagh! Ork deck, featuring lots of infantry and lots of dakka.

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Starter Deck Unboxing: Dark Angels and Catachans

I open up some starter boxes from the Invasion: Verdicon expansion for the Warhammer 40K CCG!

40kccg strategy

One to Four: Evaluating Card Counts

This week we talk more about evaluating how many copies of each card to include in your deck, as well as the difference between “micro” and “macro” analysis.

40kccg strategy

Guest Article: Chaos Champions

Guest author Gregory Vettese is back with some breakdowns of his favourite (and not-so-favourite) Chaos units.

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Fleet Card Review: Space Marines

The Emperor’s Finest just got a whole lot finer. This week we review the Space Marines fleet cards!

40kccg strategy

Fleet Card Review: Orks

Waaagh! This week we review the Ork fleet cards.

40kccg strategy

Fleet Card Review: Eldar

We begin our reviews of every fleet card, starting with Eldar!

40kccg strategy

Discard to Win!

Discarding can be a good thing! Today we highlight Space Marines to discuss why.

40kccg strategy

The Power of Sector Movement

“Run away, run away!” We explore the strengths and challenges of manipulating units between sectors.